Assessment and Evaluations in the Tampa Bay Area

ADHD Testing


How do I know when to get my child tested for ADHD?

Are you concerned about your child's ability to concentrate, stay organized, or manage their impulses? Do they frequently forget instructions or seem to never follow directions despite showing they are genuinely trying? Identifying Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the early years allows for timely intervention, enabling your child to receive the necessary support to thrive in their educational journey. Early intervention has been proven to improve academic performance, develop coping strategies, and support self-esteem.

How do I know if my child has ADHD?

  • Attention Difficulties that Persist

    If your child consistently struggles to focus or is easily distracted, especially in situations that require sustained attention such as schoolwork, chores or following instructions, it may be a sign of ADHD.

  • Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

    Persistent and excessive energy levels, restlessness, fidgeting, and difficulty staying seated may indicate hyperactivity, a key symptom of ADHD. Additionally, impulsive behaviors such as blurting out answers, interrupting conversations, or difficulty waiting their turn might also be present.

  • Academic Underperformance

    Has your child's academic performance taken a hit? If they are consistently struggling to meet the demands of their grade level, unable to complete assignments, or frequently forgetful about school-related tasks, it may be ADHD-related.

  • Poor Social Skills and Relationship Issues

    Teens with ADHD often face challenges in social interactions. They may struggle to take turns, have difficulty listening, or be overly talkative, leading to strained relationships with peers, teachers, and family members.

  • Emotional and Behavioral Concerns

    Frequent mood swings, irritability, difficulty managing frustration, and impulsive outbursts are often associated with ADHD. These emotional and behavioral concerns may affect your child's self-esteem and overall mental well-being.

Will my child need ADHD medication if they get diagnosed?

Receiving an ADHD diagnosis does not mean you have to consider medication for your child. It is essential to recognize that medication should never be the sole treatment for ADHD. As experienced psychologists, we are experts in the diagnosis and behavioral treatment of ADHD. This includes treatments such as ADHD therapy, school behavior interventions, and parent training. Since we are not medical doctors, we do not prescribe medication; however, we are well-versed in the nuanced approach required when considering ADHD medication for children. If, after a thorough evaluation, it is determined that your child may benefit from a consultation with a child psychiatrist, we will refer you to one of our collaborating providers. Collaboratively, with you and your child, we will explore all available options, including behavioral interventions, psychoeducation, and support services, to ensure the best outcomes for your child's development and wellbeing.

Why get a comprehensive ADHD evaluation?

With ADHD being a complex neurodevelopmental disorder, an accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment. Our comprehensive testing minimizes the risk of misdiagnosis and allows us to develop a tailored treatment plan that suits your child's specific needs. Our ADHD evaluations in Tampa encompass a wide range of assessments, including interviews with parents, teachers, and the child themselves, behavioral observations, cognitive testing, and rating scales. This multi-faceted approach ensures a thorough evaluation and provides us with a holistic view of your child's strengths and weaknesses. Below are the main areas assessed during an ADHD evaluation. More information on our neuropsychological testing process can be found here.

  • Intellectual Abilities

    Your child’s level of cognitive functioning is assessed, including measures of verbal and non-verbal IQ, working memory, processing speed, attention, and problem-solving skills. These results help identify intellectual strengths and potential learning difficulties.

  • Memory Functioning

    Assessments examine various memory domains, such as short-term memory, long-term memory, and working memory. It helps determine if there are any memory deficits that could affect learning or daily functioning.

  • Executive Functioning

    Evaluations focus on executive skills, including planning, organization, problem-solving, flexibility, inhibition, and cognitive control. Problems in this area can often manifest as difficulties with attention, impulsivity, or emotional regulation.

  • Attention and Hyperactivity

    Testing measures attention span, sustained attention, selective attention, and impulsivity. It helps determine if your child meets the criteria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and assists in creating an appropriate treatment plan.

  • Social and Emotional Functioning

    Assessments evaluate emotional regulation, social skills, and overall emotional functioning. It helps identify any emotional or behavioral disorders, such as anxiety or depression, that may be affecting your child's well-being and academic progress.

Our ADHD evaluations typically begin with an initial interview, during which we gather relevant background information to get a better understanding of the specific concerns or areas of difficulty. Next, a battery of standardized tests is administered to measure the student’s intellectual functioning, memory, attention, executive functioning, and academic performance. These assessments also include behavior rating scales completed by parents, teachers, or the student themselves.

What is the
process to get an ADHD Evaluation?

We then carefully analyze and interpret the data collected, consider the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and formulate a comprehensive report that includes diagnostic impressions, recommendations for interventions and accommodations, and educational planning strategies. Throughout the process, collaboration with parents, teachers, and other professionals plays a crucial role in understanding the student’s unique needs and designing appropriate interventions to support their overall development and academic success. Read more about our ADHD evaluation process here.

Psychoeducational Testing in Tampa

Ready to schedule an appointment for testing?

We know how difficult it can be to see your child struggling. Reach out to our office by completing the contact form below. A brief consultation will be arranged to discuss your concerns, review your child's background information, and answer any questions you may have.