Assessment and Evaluations in the Tampa Bay Area

Neuropsychological Testing

What is Neuropsychological Testing?

Neuropsychological testing is a comprehensive assessment conducted by a psychologist to evaluate a child's cognitive functioning, behavior, and emotional well-being. This specialized testing involves a battery of tests, observations, and interviews to gather information about the child's brain development, attention, memory, language skills, and problem-solving abilities. By using standardized measures and tailored assessments, we can identify strengths and weaknesses in different areas, helping to diagnose learning disabilities, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, or other neurodevelopmental disorders. The results of the neuropsychological evaluation serve as a roadmap for developing individualized interventions, educational plans, and therapies to support a student’s individual needs and maximize their potential. Through collaboration with parents and other professionals, we ensure that the findings from the neuropsychological evaluation are translated into meaningful strategies.

Components of a
Neuropsychological Evaluation

During a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment, several aspects of your child's cognitive, emotional, and behavioral functioning will be assessed. The results provide valuable insights into your child's strengths and weaknesses, allowing for an accurate diagnosis, targeted interventions, and appropriate recommendations. Here is a list of what we may identify during a neuropsychological evaluation:

  • Intellectual Abilities

    Your child’s level of cognitive functioning is assessed, including measures of verbal and non-verbal IQ, working memory, processing speed, attention, and problem-solving skills. These results help identify intellectual strengths and potential learning difficulties.

  • Academic Skills

    Assessments of reading, writing, and mathematics abilities help identify specific academic difficulties, such as dyslexia or dyscalculia, and determine suitable educational supports and accommodations.

  • Language Abilities

    We may evaluate your child's expressive and receptive language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and verbal fluency. It helps identify language impairments or delays that may impact communication and learning.

  • Memory Functioning

    Assessments examine various memory domains, such as short-term memory, long-term memory, and working memory. It helps determine if there are any memory deficits that could affect learning or daily functioning.

  • Executive Functioning

    Evaluations focus on executive skills, including planning, organization, problem-solving, flexibility, inhibition, and cognitive control. Problems in this area can often manifest as difficulties with attention, impulsivity, or emotional regulation.

  • Attention and Hyperactivity

    Testing measures attention span, sustained attention, selective attention, and impulsivity. It helps determine if your child meets the criteria for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and assists in creating an appropriate treatment plan.

  • Social and Emotional Functioning

    Assessments evaluate emotional regulation, social skills, and overall emotional functioning. It helps identify any emotional or behavioral disorders, such as anxiety or depression, that may be affecting your child's well-being and academic progress.

  • Visual-Spatial Skills

    Testing measures visual perception, visual-motor integration, and spatial orientation abilities. It helps identify any visual-spatial deficits that may impact tasks such as reading, writing, or math.

  • Motor Skills

    Evaluations may assess fine and gross motor skills, coordination, and motor planning. It helps identify any motor deficits or developmental coordination disorders that might impair your child's daily activities and academic performance

Our neuropsychological evaluations begin with an initial interview, during which we gather relevant background information to get a better understanding of the specific concerns or areas of difficulty. Next, a battery of standardized tests is administered to measure the student’s intellectual functioning, language skills, memory, attention, executive functioning, and academic performance. These assessments may also include behavior rating scales completed by parents, teachers, or the student themselves.

What is the
process to get a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

We then carefully analyze and interpret the data collected, consider the student’s strengths and weaknesses, and formulate a comprehensive report that includes diagnostic impressions, recommendations for interventions and accommodations, and educational planning strategies. Throughout the process, collaboration with parents, teachers, and other professionals plays a crucial role in understanding the student’s unique needs and designing appropriate interventions to support their overall development and academic success. Read more about our neuropsychological evaluation process here.

Psychoeducational Testing in Tampa

Ready to schedule an appointment for testing?

We know how difficult it can be to see your child struggling. Reach out to our office by completing the contact form below. A brief consultation will be arranged to discuss your concerns, review your child's background information, and answer any questions you may have.