Website Strategy & Design for Private Practice Therapists

“I know having a professional website is key to success in private practice, but I’m just starting out and can’t justify spending thousands of dollars on a web designer.”

Sound familiar? I know it does because I’ve been there.

Affordable Web Design for Mental Health Clinicians

Unless you’re a graphic designer *wannabe* like me, you probably find web design overwhelming. From college brunch blogs to classroom curriculums to professional websites and turning my handwriting into a font, I’ve developed enough design experience over the last decade to put my hobby to work. Creating high quality websites that support a vision — and most importantly, converts visitors to clients — is my second passion and I’m happy to share that with people who share my first passion, mental health.

Spend more time with your clients and less on how to get them.

Graphic design, marketing, and search engine optimization is (likely) not what you went to school for, nor is it likely something you have time to master on the side. Let me take the dozens of hours of guesswork out of professional website design so you can focus more on what matters to your business.

Let your website speak for you.

Let your website speak for you.

How would it feel to open your business doors with a professional site already in place? Or the thought of scratching “fix website” off your to-do list? Stop struggling with how to get clients and allow your website to do the work for you.