mental health Evaluations in florida

As a parent, you want to see your child thrive in all aspects of life.
However, when certain behaviors or emotions become a roadblock, it can be challenging to determine what your child needs to get there.

Our Evaluation Process

Free Consultations

Initial Interview

The first step in the evaluation process is the initial interview and consultation. One of our psychologists will meet with the patient (if adult) or with the child’s parent/caregiver(s) to obtain more information regarding present concerns and history of the problem. This will provide a better understanding of the nature of the evaluation and assist us in deciding which tests should be administered. This is a virtual appointment.

1 hour



A number of testing appointments will be scheduled depending on the referral question, length of assessments being administered, information gathered in the initial interview, and patient’s age. Relevant medical, psychological, and school records are also reviewed. All evaluations are held by telehealth unless the assessment is one that requires in-person testing.

4 - 10 hours


Scoring & Report

All assessment information is carefully scored, analyzed, and interpreted in order to generate a comprehensive summary of one’s current mental health status. Given that there is no single test for mental health disorders, findings from the testing, observations, and information gathered are all considered when the overall interpretations and conclusions are made. A detailed report is written and includes evidence-based recommendations.

4-8 hours



Our evaluation reports provide detailed recommendations and strategies for improvement, tailored specifically to your child’s individual needs. A one hour video feedback session is included to review the report and recommendations. We include guidance on navigating the school system and 504 accommodation / IEP process as part of all evaluations at no additional cost.

1 hour


Following the feedback session, some families request additional meetings to further explain the evaluation results and recommendations to other professionals/educators involved in the patient’s care. We are often requested to assist the patient’s school/medical team in developing intervention / educational plans and accessing services that the patient may need. These are considered additional services and are billed at our hourly rate.

Additional Support

Areas We Test

Cognitive Abilities

We use neuropsychological tests to obtain information on cognitive abilities such as processing speed, memory, general knowledge, language, and reasoning skills. This is also used for gifted testing.

Academic Achievement

We use standardized tests of reading, writing, and math achievement to help identify learning disabilities such as Dyslexia and Dyscalculia.

Overall Development

We use standardized assessments to detect developmental delays and measure early childhood abilities such as communication, social skills, and adaptive functioning.

ADHD and Executive Functioning

We use neuropsychological and behavioral assessments to identify attention and executive functioning deficits.

Anxiety and Social/Emotional Skills

We use standardized assessments to identify social/emotional skills in need of support such as coping strategies for anxiety and OCD, emotional regulation skills for mood swings, and social skills.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

We use gold standard assessments in autism evaluation to help clarify symptoms and provide guidance on treatment.

The Evaluation Process

By choosing to pursue a psychoeducational evaluation, you are investing in your child's future success. This evaluation offers a wealth of benefits:

Accurate Diagnosis

Identify any potential learning disabilities, developmental delays, ADHD, or other conditions that may be hindering your child's progress. A precise diagnosis is crucial for effective intervention and support.

Tailored Interventions

Gain insights into your child's unique strengths and weaknesses, allowing our psychologists to develop a targeted intervention plan. Through this tailored approach, your child can overcome obstacles and thrive in their educational journey.

Support Planning

Receive helpful recommendations for modifications, accommodations, and strategies to support your child's learning and behavior. Armed with this information, you can collaborate with teachers, therapists, and other professionals to create an optimal support plan.

Self-Awareness & Empowerment

Through the evaluation process, your child gains a better understanding of their capabilities, fostering self-awareness and self-advocacy skills. And, in turn, you learn strategies to empower your child to take ownership of their learning and embrace their strengths.

Why get a comprehensive evaluation with a psychologist instead of a quick diagnosis from the pediatrician?

We work with families from early childhood to young adulthood to identify and address the root cause of a behavioral or emotional issue.

Determining when to get a comprehensive evaluation with a psychologist is similar to when to see a specialist for medical issues — you can treat headaches on your own, but if they become so severe that they interfere with your day, or if taking medication every now and then no longer works to relieve the pain, you may consider seeing a neurologist to help figure out why the headaches are occurring and how you can alleviate them. As clinical psychologists, we are doctors who specializes in mental health and emotional wellness.

With the information gathered during our psychological evaluations and psychoeducational testing in FL, our team can create a personalized plan tailored to your child's specific needs. This often includes accommodations in the classroom, changes to study habits, and targeted interventions to address any areas of difficulty.

Although a diagnostic interview with your child’s pediatrician can be quick and easy, investing in a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation for your child is an investment in their future. With the insights gained through our assessments, your child can develop the skills and confidence they need to thrive in school and beyond.

Through our comprehensive assessments, we can identify your child's unique strengths and weaknesses. These evaluations can give you a better understanding of your child's learning style, cognitive abilities, patterns of behavior, academic needs, and most importantly, what steps to take next.

Imagine finally having clarity around how to help your child overcome challenges and develop the skills and mindset they need to thrive.