How to Build Confidence in Kids

It’s only natural that as parents you want to instill confidence in your kids. In this blog, we share several ways to help build your child’s confidence so that they can believe in themselves and are able to face new challenges without fear.

how to build self confidence in a child

Children develop self-confidence because of their own accomplishments, not because family and friends praise them. Children become more confident and self-assured the more they learn and complete new goals. When kids do something they thought they couldn't, like tying their shoes or drawing a picture, they start believing they can do more. This feeling of "I did it!" is what builds their confidence. Even small achievements can make a big difference in how kids see themselves. When kids believe in themselves, they can take on new challenges without fear which helps them grow into confident and resilient individuals.

Make time for play

Spending time playing with your child is extremely valuable. The hours spent playing with your children show them that they are important to you. When you're playing together, make sure you're really focused on your child. They can tell if you're not paying attention. Get into the game with them and let your imaginations run wild. This not only brings you closer but also lets your child know that you're there for them. Remember, it's not just about the quantity of time you spend with your child, but also the quality. When you engage wholeheartedly in their play, you're sending them a powerful message that they matter to you. This boosts their self-esteem and strengthens the bond between you.

Provide them with small jobs

Kids thrive when they get opportunities to show their skills and feel like their efforts and contributions matter. At home, you can do this by giving them responsibilities like:

  • Setting the table

  • Cleaning up toys

  • Sweeping

  • Folding laundry

  • Helping with the car

  • Gardening

Think about what your child enjoys and pick a chore that suits them. When they see they're doing a great job, it boosts their confidence. For example, if they like organizing, let them tidy up toys in their special spots.

When tasks start to lose their fun appeal you can work together with your kids to get things done. It's a good way for them to learn that sometimes you have to do work before you can have fun.

Give them your attention

We can’t stress enough how important it is to make time to give your child your full attention. Much like playtime, it boosts your child’s feelings of self-worth by sending the message that you think they’re important and valuable.

Here are some easy ways to help your child feel more confident when you're spending time together:

  • Make sure to look them in the eye when they're talking to you. This shows that you're really paying attention.

  • When your child wants to talk, take a moment to listen carefully. They need to know that what they say matters to you.

  • Let your child know that it's okay to feel different emotions, and that you accept them without judging. This helps them feel understood and valued.

  • Share your own feelings with your child. It helps them feel more comfortable expressing their own thoughts and emotions.

Provide encouragement often

There's a big difference between encouragement and praise. Praise focuses on the result, like saying, "You made an amazing sandcastle!" Encouragement, on the other hand, focuses on the effort, like saying, "You worked really hard on that sandcastle! Great job!"

Too much praise can sometimes make kids feel like they're only worthwhile if they do everything perfectly. It can also make them feel like they always need approval from others. Instead, it's better to show them that putting in effort and finishing what they start are what really count. By emphasizing effort over outcome and providing unwavering support, parents lay the foundation for children to navigate challenges with resilience and self-assurance.

Additional support

Helping your child feel confident involves providing encouragement often, giving them your attention, and letting them do tasks on their own. By focusing on their growth and encouraging them every step of the way, parents can teach their kids to face challenges with bravery and positivity. This builds a solid foundation for them to handle whatever comes their way with confidence. If you are seeking additional parenting support, contact us at Tampa Pediatric Psychology. Our team of licensed child psychologists and therapists are authentic and non-judgmental, and are here for you when you are ready.


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