Back to School: Supporting Students with ADHD

The start of the school year can be a daunting time for students with ADHD as they often face various struggles that can impact their academic and social experiences. One significant challenge is adjusting to new routines and expectations. Students with ADHD may find it difficult to transition from the freedom of the summer break to the structured nature of the school day. Additionally, they may struggle with organizing their materials, completing assignments, and staying focused in the classroom. The overwhelming sensory environment, such as noisy hallways and crowded classrooms, can also present challenges for students with ADHD. Moreover, establishing new social connections can be daunting, as they may exhibit impulsive behaviors or have trouble reading social cues. It is crucial for educators and parents to provide the necessary support and accommodations to help students with ADHD overcome these initial hurdles and thrive throughout the school year.

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Set Achievable Goals and Provide Opportunities for Small Victories

As the new school year begins, it is critical to provide support and understanding to students with ADHD to help them start off on the right foot. Using the feeling of success as motivation can be particularly powerful for students with ADHD. These students often face challenges related to attention, focus, and task completion. By setting achievable goals and providing opportunities for small victories, parents can tap into their child’s sense of accomplishment. Celebrating these accomplishments helps build self-esteem and confidence, fostering a positive mindset towards future tasks. Incorporating rewards, such as verbal praise or small incentives, further reinforces the feeling of success. This approach encourages students with ADHD to develop a sense of intrinsic motivation, as they can experience firsthand the benefits of their efforts.

Establish Clear Routines

ADHD can make it challenging for students to stay organized, manage time, and stay focused on tasks. Implementing consistent routines provides structure and predictability, which can greatly benefit these students. Routines help them understand what is expected of them and can reduce anxiety and overwhelm. Clear routines also help students with ADHD to better manage their time and prioritize tasks. By having a set schedule, they can allocate specific time slots for studying, completing assignments, and engaging in extracurricular activities. Additionally, routines can aid in promoting healthy habits like regular sleep patterns and exercise, which have been shown to improve symptoms of ADHD.

Create a Designated Workspace

Having a dedicated area specifically designed for studying and completing tasks can greatly benefit students with ADHD. A well-organized and clutter-free environment helps minimize distractions, enabling them to focus better on their schoolwork. Additionally, a designated workspace promotes consistency and routine. The space should include fidget tools to channel their excess energy into productive outlets.

Maintain Open Communication with the School

By actively engaging with the student support team, parents can stay updated about their child's progress, challenges, and individual needs. Similarly, parent input for teachers can be critical when developing interventions and accommodations or other supports. Regular and open communication ensures that parents are involved in their child's educational journey, promoting a sense of trust, shared responsibility, and ultimately, a thriving and inclusive learning environment.

Get Support from a Therapist or Executive Function Coach

The key advantage to having an ADHD therapist is the development of essential skills such as time management, organization, and planning. Therapists trained in ADHD and executive functioning can help students learn strategies and techniques to better manage their workload, meet deadlines, and break tasks into manageable steps. Additionally, executive function coaching fosters self-awareness and self-regulation, empowering students to effectively prioritize and make sound decisions. The support and guidance provided by a therapist can also enhance study skills, improve focus and attention, and boost overall academic confidence. Learn more about ADHD therapy here or contact us to learn more.


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