Therapy for Moms in Florida

As a collective of licensed psychologists, therapists, and parents ourselves, we bring diverse training to assist you through every stage of parenthood. From navigating fertility and pregnancy to adoption, birth, the postpartum year and beyond, we're here to support you.

Perinatal Therapy

We offer specialized individual therapy for moms navigating the early stages of parenting including the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum periods. We aim to provide a safe space to explore your emotions, concerns, and questions related to this transformative journey. Through compassionate and evidence-based therapy, our goal is to empower you with tools and strategies to combat feelings of anxiety, depression, anger, overwhelm, or low self-esteem– and to help you transform your experience of motherhood into one in which you feel confident, competent, connected, and fulfilled.

Infertility Counseling

Receiving an infertility diagnosis or realizing that getting pregnant will be difficult for you can be extremely stressful. You may feel that your sense of identity and life dreams have been taken away from you. It’s natural to have high levels of anxiety and feelings of grief and depression as you face complicated medical procedures, difficult decisions, and the uncertainty of infertility treatments. Our perinatal-trained therapists provide a safe and supportive space for you to work through your emotions and take charge of your fertility journey.

Obsessive Thoughts

Because intrusive thoughts of harming the baby are so common—it is estimated that 70 percent of new mothers experience them—not only will therapy help normalize these thoughts, but ERP for postpartum anxiety and OCD will help treat them. Postpartum OCD therapy gives you tools to cope with intrusive thoughts. Our clinicians use evidence-based treatments for postpartum anxiety disorder and OCD including Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). By developing self-acceptance and self-awareness, we will unpack your worries and fears underlying your postpartum experience so they no longer interfere with your parenting.

Screening & Evaluations

As reproductive mental health therapists, we offer services related to screening and psychological evaluations of known and unknown donors, surrogates, and gestational carriers. We facilitate collaborative reproductive arrangements by hosting meetings in our office between donors or surrogates and intended parents. The purpose of these meetings is to ensure that all parties are in agreement on important issues like multiple pregnancies, genetic testing, and pregnancy termination. We also provide medical reports, as necessary, to medical teams or agencies. We are committed to helping you develop a family building plan that works for you.

What to Expect

We typically start with an initial intake assessment to hear more about your concerns and goals for working together. For most moms, we meet weekly or as needed for four to six months. We discontinue treatment when you feel like your goals have been met. We’re always here if you run into new challenges or hurdles down the road.

Cost Per Session

Cost per session varies depending on the experience level of the clinician on our team with whom you are working with. The cost for all one-time initial intake sessions is $250. This session is 45-60 minutes in length and also requires your provider to spend time outside of session reviewing records and background information, and developing a treatment plan. Cost of recurring sessions following this initial intake appointment ranges from $185 to $250 per 45-minute session. Our Care Coordinator will provide you with more information regarding provider availability and fees during an initial consultation. 

Details About Insurance

We are a private pay practice and do not directly bill insurance for treatment. Some benefits of paying privately include more privacy and more control in our work together. However, we’ve found that many insurance companies will cover our services as out-of-network providers. If you have a PPO, we can provide a “super bill” that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. A super bill is a detailed record of payment with special codes for what kind of service was provided along with our license number. Our Care Coordinator can call your insurance to find out what reimbursement will look like for you, if desired. If you’re hoping to find an in-network provider, Good Therapy or Psychology Today are helpful directories.