A Guide to Specific Learning Disorders

Understanding Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) is crucial for recognizing and supporting children facing challenges in reading, writing, and math. This blog delves into the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for SLD, emphasizing the importance of early detection and tailored support to empower children with these learning differences.

what is a learning disorder

What is a Specific Learning Disorder?

Specific Learning Disorder (SLD) refers to a persistent difficulty learning and using academic skills related to reading, spelling, writing and/or math. Children grappling with SLD often exhibit a range of difficulties, including challenges in spelling, comprehending written material, expressing their thoughts in writing, or solving mathematical equations. When diagnosed, the specific areas of struggle are carefully outlined to guide intervention and support.

Dyslexia is the term used when individuals struggle primarily with reading and writing, while dyscalculia denotes difficulties in grasping mathematical concepts. Despite these challenges, it's crucial to understand that children with SLD are not lacking in intelligence. Rather, they face obstacles in acquiring specific skills that come naturally to their peers of similar age, intellect, and educational background.

Specific Learning Disorder Symptoms

symptoms of Dyslexia:

  • Challenges in sequencing sounds correctly

  • Difficulty rhyming

  • Struggles to match sounds with letters

  • Delayed speech compared to peers

  • Difficulty in word recall

  • Struggles with phonetic decoding of unfamiliar words

  • Trouble following verbal instructions

  • Tendency to omit or repeat small words like "the," "and," "but," or "in"

symptoms of Dyscalculia:

  • Tendency to make frequent minor errors in math calculations, often off by one

  • Struggles with mathematical problem-solving

  • Confusion with basic mathematical symbols such as "+" and "-"

  • Difficulty grasping the logic behind math problems

Diagnosing Specific Learning Disorders

Diagnosing SLD involves various approaches, such as psychoeducational evaluations focusing on academic skills or neuropsychological assessments examining cognitive processes and communication abilities. As mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), schools are obligated to conduct evaluations for students exhibiting signs of learning disorders. Additionally, parents have the option to seek private testing outside the school system.

Specific Learning Disorder Treatment

While there's no outright cure for SLD, numerous strategies exist to enhance affected children's skills and learning experiences. Working with a learning specialist can aid in identifying appropriate support mechanisms tailored to the child's strengths and challenges. This may involve customized learning plans and techniques such as incorporating multisensory approaches beyond visual and auditory methods, such as tactile or olfactory stimuli. 

Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge the potential coexistence of emotional or behavioral difficulties in children with SLD. In such cases, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can complement educational interventions, addressing underlying emotional challenges and enhancing coping mechanisms.

Available Resources

It is critical to differentiate SLD from other conditions that may share similar outward manifestations, such as sensory impairments, anxiety disorders, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Failure to accurately diagnose and address SLD can lead to frustration and exacerbate emotional or behavioral issues, potentially resulting in inappropriate treatment interventions. Thus, comprehensive assessment and targeted interventions are paramount in supporting children with SLD effectively.

At Tampa Pediatric Psychology, we offer a range of evaluations to help you pinpoint problem areas and to assist you in identifying the most appropriate treatment options for your child’s specific needs. We offer psychoeducational evaluations and neuropsychological testing to establish whether there is a neurodevelopmental condition such as a learning disorder. We also offer ADHD testing and evaluations to rule out other potential diagnosis.

If you're seeking effective treatment and guidance and are interested in any of our services, don't hesitate to reach out to our team of licensed child psychologists today. Tampa Pediatric Psychology is ready to support you and your family in any way we can.